Dr. Celine NKENFOU, a multi-talented, highly energetic and optimistic scientist founded MBC in 1996. She has strong background in parasitology, molecular biology of restriction enzymes, and antibody technology. She did her PhD on restriction endonucleases with Dr. Richard Roberts, Nobel prize laureate in medicine and physiology, 1993. She has successfully completed a visiting scientist position at the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD) as postdoc, that will provide her with the necessary scientific skills to achieve the primary objectives of MBC.

Her academic position at the University of Yaounde l permits her contact with young generation of scientists in Cameroon who can benefit from training in the areas focused by MBC. Dr. NKENFOU has the passion and energy to contribute to solving major human problems faced in Cameroon and Africa though improving the quality of science and the engagement particularly in the area of Biotechnology which has revolutionized the health care and agriculture in the developed world.

“I was one of the most fortunate graduate students of Cameroon to see DNA under a UV lamp in 1991, many decades after the discovery of DNA. It was very enlightening.”