
The Molecular Biology Center (MBC) in Cameroon was created with a broad mission to contribute to the development of scientific research in the growing area of Biotechnology. In developing countries, the gap between problems and solutions is very wide and deep. Scientific research receives little or no support in developing countries like Cameroon since the governments in these countries deal with pressing human issues such as malnutrition, illiteracy, economical insufficiency, inefficient healthcare system all this in the background of political instability. To address this gap, MBC was estab

About the founder

Dr. Celine NKENFOU, a multi-talented, highly energetic and optimistic scientist founded MBC in 1996. She has strong background in parasitology, molecular biology of restriction enzymes, and antibody technology. She did her PhD on restriction endonucleases with Dr. Richard Roberts, Nobel prize laureate in medicine and physiology, 1993. She has successfully completed a visiting scientist position at the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD) as postdoc

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